Photo: Sunset in Mexico

Last winter my wife and I took our daughter to Mexico to meet up with other family members for a few days of relaxation. We had recently acquired a solid travel camera, a Sony NEX-5N, which we have been very happy with. It takes great video, accepts other Sony lenses, and is generally easy to use and captures excellent photos in “auto” mode. These features make it perfect for travel when I don’t want to lug a DSLR around.

We took many pictures on that trip, but this one is by far my favorite. It took very little touching up to bring out the rays of sunlight shining on my wife’s second cousin’s face, and it is one of the few shots that was actually composed correctly. Most of the other photos were really taken to capture the fun moments we had as a family.

Sunset in Mexico

“Sunset in Mexico” – Copyright 2014 Marshall Stokes

Equipment & Settings

  • Sony NEX-5N
  • Sony 18-55mm stock lens (at 18mm focal length)
  • ISO 100
  • Expsure 1/100s

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